Monday, January 30, 2012

Be Careful!
Third Song!

When you're doing crafts,
With art supplies,
Don't run with scissors,
It's not too wise,
You could stab your chest,
Your arms or thighs, 
You could even lose one or even both your eyes.
Don't stick your hands together with glue,
You can hurt your left and right hand too,
Glue is good for wind and tin,
But but it's really really bad for human skin.

- By Chyna Parks

Here! Check it out!

Don't Play with Knives! 
Second Song!

If you play in the knife drawer,
Something bad will happen,
The best way to explain,
Is to do a little rapping,
My mom warned me but I didn't believe her,
Well she told me not to play with the clever,
Playing with knives is really pathetic,
You could end up needing a paramedic!

- By Chyna Parks and Olive Doyle 
Wear Pants in Public!
First Song!

Sometimes it really seems like a drag,
And when your mom tells you she seems like a nag,
But you've gotta wear pants in public!
It's something you just gotta do!
At home it might be fun,
To take them off and run,
But you've gotta wear pants in public!

- By Chyna Parks

Playing their first performance!
These are the Happy Fuzzy Friends! We are a band of funny animals, and play music for kids. Join us in your music, with Turtleurky, Octo Panda, Sharkalope, and Porcupotomous!